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This morning, I'm off. Honestly, I feel a bit ghoulish, to be so excited for this trip. I'm going to a place where so many have suffered on my vacation. Granted, I'm going to help, to do what I can with 17 others devoted to helping. But I can't help feeling like I'm intruding.

In September 2004, my dad and stepmother rode out Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. They both hit Fort Pierce, Fla., within two weeks of each other and damaged or destroyed much of the town. I was busy at work at the time, and didn't even realize what was happening until I turned on the TV one morning and saw Al Roker on the beach in Fort Pierce, about two miles away from my dad's house. Most people don't know Fort Pierce like I do, but let me explain in brief: there is no reason for Al Roker to be standing on the beach in Fort Pierce unless something is horribly, horribly wrong.

Luckily, in those storms, my family was okay. Shaken, yes. Tired, yes. But okay. I couldn't help thinking when Hurricane Katrina happened, that could have been my family. Drastically different circumstances, but still your first thoughts go to those you love.

Everyone has a family, even those forgotten in New Orleans. Everyone worries about their family, whether it's their family by blood or circumstance. Hopefully, on this trip, we can help the families of New Orleans no matter how tangentially. I am proud of all of us for making this important. My trip hasn't even started and I already feel like it's been a success.

Forty-three Brooklyn Law School students will spend their spring break volunteering in and around the Gulf Coast as part of the Student Hurricane Network. These are their stories.

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