Blogs don't Scream
Published Saturday, March 18, 2006 by Anonymous | E-mail this post 
Back in Brooklyn now and my pet turtle is fine. It seemed almost a fancy that I could spend my spring break working on relief work and, within a few hours lift off leaving behind unfinished work. I read all the posts below mine and one thing is clear from every entry; the people who wrote them want to scream.
My fledgling legal mind may not be able to frame the issues we encountered in a scholarly context worthy of mention in law reviews or periodicals. But I have news for the legal community: the pen is not mightier than the sword all of the time. WAKE UP! Josie posted an example and it's worth reiterating. A judge orders the release of a prisoner wrongfully held past his deserved sentence and we all would hope that the strike of the gavel, the flick of his pen would send an officer of the law running with key in-hand. Not so. Instead we hear that he is in custody weeks longer so that buses may be amply filled by released inmates to maximize efficiency.
Where is the legal community in this country? Where are the marches on Washington, the sit-ins and strikes? We are all prisoners of this system as long as abuses like this go unchecked and overlooked. Wake up Juris Doctors. If you don't see the problem, it's because you're behind prison walls. Comfortable?